SQL Tools#

Red Bird’s SQL tools are small wrappers to SQLAlchemy’s features to make basic database operations intuitive. Even though repository patterns are the main focus of Red Bird, these tools are fully supported.

sqlalchemy.Table is lower level than needed in simple create, read, update and delete operations (know as CRUD). The user is responsible of properly reflecting the table and executing SQL operations requires engine interaction from the user. Red Bird’s redbird.sql.Table wraps the table with the engine so that they always point to a specific table in a specific SQL database. It also has methods to execute SQL operations directly to the table.

Here is an example:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from redbird.sql import Table

table = Table(name="mytable", bind=create_engine("sqlite://"))

# Create the table as it does not yet exists
table.create({"player_name": str, "score": int})

# Insert rows to the table
    {"player_name": "Player 1", "score": 100},
    {"player_name": "Player 2", "score": 200}

# Read the rows
table.select({"player_name": "Player 1"})

# Update a row
    where={"player_name": "Player 1"},
    values={"score": 150}

# Delete a row
table.delete({"player_name": "Player 2"})

# Drop (delete) the table