
This section covers basic tutorials of Red Bird.


Install the package:

pip install redbird

See PyPI for Red Bird releases.

Configuring Repository#

The full list of built-in repositories and their examples are found from repository section <repositories>. Below is a simple example to configure in-memory repository.

from redbird.ext import MemoryRepo
repo = MemoryRepo()

By default, the items are manipulated as dictionaries. You may also create a Pydantic model in order to have better data validation and control over the structure of the items:

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Car(BaseModel):
    registration_number: str
    color: str
    value: float

from redbird.ext import MemoryRepo
repo = MemoryRepo(model=Car)

See more about configuring repositories from here.

Usage Examples#

Create operation:

# If you use dict as model
repo.add({"registration_number": "123-456-789", "color": "red"})

# If you Pydantic model:
repo.add(Car(registration_number="111-222-333", color="red"))
repo.add(Car(registration_number="444-555-666", color="blue"))

Get operation:

# One item

# Multiple items

Update operation:

# One item
repo["123-456-789"] = {"condition": "good"}

# Multiple items

Delete operation:

# One item
del repo["123-456-789"]

# Multiple items