Mongo Repository ================ MongoRepo is a repository for MongoDB data stores. MongoDB is useful if you have unstructured data or you wish to store data in JSON format. .. code-block:: python from redbird.repos import MongoRepo repo = MongoRepo(uri="mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost:27017", database="my_db", collection="my_items") Alternatively, you may pass the client: .. code-block:: python from redbird.repos import MongoRepo from pymongo import MongoClient repo = MongoRepo(client=MongoClient("mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost:27017"), database="my_db", collection="my_items") With Pydantic model: .. code-block:: python from redbird.repos import MongoRepo class MyItem(BaseModel): id: str name: str age: int repo = MongoRepo( uri="mongodb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost:27017", database="my_db", collection="my_items", model=MyItem ) Usage ----- Now you may use the repository the same way as any other repository. Please see: - :ref:`Reading the repository ` - :ref:`Creating an item to the repository ` - :ref:`Deleting an item from the repository ` - :ref:`Updating an item in the repository ` Class ----- .. autoclass:: redbird.repos.MongoRepo :members: insert, filter_by, update, delete