.. meta:: :description: Red Bird is a repository pattern library for Python. :keywords: repository, pattern, Python, database Red-Bird: Repository Patterns for Python ======================================== Repository pattern is a technique to abstract the data access from the domain/business logic. In other words, it decouples the database access from the application code. The aim is that the code runs the same regardless if the data is stored to an SQL database, NoSQL database, file or even as an in-memory list. - `Source code `_ - `Releases (PyPI) `_ Why Repository Pattern? ----------------------- **Short Answer:** Because it simplifies things, makes prototyping faster and testing easier. **Long answer:** Typically, data access in an application looks like this: .. image:: /imgs/typical_application.png :align: center In other words, querying the databases is embedded with the application code, ie. the application code executes raw SQL, MongoDB queries or HTTP requests to APIs. This makes the application code to be data store specific. In order for the application to function, it must be connected to a specific type of a database. For many projects this approach may not cause additional difficulities but there are several problems with this approach related to readability and maintainability: - Application code is data store specific thus later switching to another data store may require a lot of work. - Testing the application code is non-trivial if there is no test database of the same type as the production. - Understanding the application requires understanding how the underlying database works. - The code may become hard to read if multiple types of databases are used, ie. SQL databases and MongoDB databases. Repository pattern aims to separate the domain layer (application logic) from the database layer (data access) by unifying the syntax for creating, fetching, modifying and deleting data in the data stores. It transforms generic actions to the language a specific database understands. In practice, this is illustrated below: .. image:: /imgs/repository_pattern.png :align: center The repositories act as translators to transform generic actions (read, create, update, delete data) to language the specific database understands. The repositories may be configured at the configuraitons of the application and they may easily be swapped to different database servers operating on the same or different querying language or data types. The application code is identical regardless if the data is in an SQL database, MongoDB or in-memory lists. This has several benefits: - Unit testing is easy as the repositories could be swapped to in-memory lists - Database migrations is trivial as it require no code changes - Using different databases or types of databases adds no additional maintenance costs - Creating separate environments operating on different connections is easy. However, there are some downsides with repository pattern as well. Most notably, some features in querying languages cannot be replicated in a way that works with all others simply due to that these features are missing in them. Especially, some optimizations are such that cannot be replicated. However, most applications don't require optimized or complex queries. Furthermore, applications that do need them may still implement repository pattern and use database specific queries only in places where this is unavoidable. Main Features ------------- In short, Red Bird offers: - Identical way accross data stores of doing the following operations: - Create an item to the data store - Read items from the data store - Update items in the data store - Delete items in the data store - Data validation via Pydantic - Basic querying operations (ie. equal, greater or less than) - :ref:`A log handler ` for logging to data stores Supported repositories: - SQL (via SQLAlchemy) - MongoDB (via Pymongo) - In-memory (objects in Python list) - CSV (each row is an item) - JSON (a JSON file per item) Terminology ----------- Unit of Work ^^^^^^^^^^^^ In Red Bird, the term *repository* is used to describe a specific data store that is a collection of items of the same type (ie. a list of cars) and *item* is used to describe a record or a document with some attributes (ie. a car with registration number 123-456-789). An attribute consists of the name of the attribute (ie. car color) and its value for specific item (ie. color of the car with registration number 123-456-789 is red). The definition of these terms between various data stores are illustrated below: ============== ===================== ================ ================================= Repository Repository definition Item definition Attribute definition ============== ===================== ================ ================================= Python memory list object attribute (object) or item (dict) SQL table row column MongoDB collection document field REST (HTTP) URL endpoint JSON object field ============== ===================== ================ ================================= Database Operations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are four generic operations implemented by almost every data store: create, read, update and delete. These are often labeled CRUD. Read-only data store may only have read operation and some simple data stores may only have read, create and delete (such as a CSV file). For basic CRUD actions, Red Bird uses tems more commonly used in Python language: add, get, update and delete, respectively. Red bird also adds one more operation that is implemented in some data stores and could be implemented to others by combining existing operations: replace. Replace is an update but it also removes attributes that were not changed. These unified methods for manipulating data (a single item) are illustrated below: ============== ================ =========== =========== ================ ======================= Repository get add delete update replace ============== ================ =========== =========== ================ ======================= Python memory list[...] list.append list.pop setattr list.pop & list.append SQL SELECT INSERT DELETE UPDATE DELETE & INSERT MongoDB findOne insertOne deleteOne updateOne deleteOne & insertOne REST (HTTP) GET POST DELETE PATCH PUT ============== ================ =========== =========== ================ ======================= In addition, operations can also be divided to those that affect only one item and to those that affect multiple items. If you search for a car with registration number 123-456-789 you should should only get one car or none whereas if you search for cars with a red color you may get multiple, one or none. The same applies for other operations as well. Example ------- First we create a simple in-memory repository that has ``registration_number`` as the attribute that is unique for each item: .. code-block:: from redbird.repos import MemoryRepo repo = MemoryRepo(id_field="registration_number") Create some items to the database: .. code-block:: repo.add({"registration_number": "123-456-789", "color": "red"}) repo.add({"registration_number": "111-222-333", "color": "red"}) repo.add({"registration_number": "444-555-666", "color": "blue"}) Get items from the database: .. code-block:: # One item repo["123-456-789"] # Multiple items repo.filter_by(color="red").all() Update items in the database: .. code-block:: # One item repo["123-456-789"] = {"condition": "good"} # Multiple items repo.filter_by(color="blue").update(color="green") Delete items from the database: .. code-block:: # One item del repo["123-456-789"] # Multiple items repo.filter_by(color="red").delete() .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: getting_started repos/index crud operations sql/index logging_handler examples/index references/index versions Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex`